So we may have spent this day at sea having a really big sleep in! We didn’t roll out of bed until 11 as we were exhausted. The good part about this being a Sea Day is that we are over half way through our trip and a relax day was exactly what the doctor ordered.

We did make is out for Disney Trivia which we won with 25/25 correct. Our price was a very fancy Royal Caribbean pen. Trivia ran a little late but we made it to our booking for lunch which was the Japanese resturant Izumi. It was really good.

We spent some time hanging on our balcony and walking around the ship. It was delightful.

Then it was dinner time which was delicious as normal but it was also bitter sweet as we had to say goodbye to a couple of people. Firstly we met this lovely family from Sweden who we had gotten to know over dinners (Her name is Amy to but spelt Aimee) so that was super sad. But we also had to say goodbye to Ryan and Kudzie who have been the absolute highlight of the trip. We loved them so much and they made the whole cruise ship worth the trip.

I have loved this cruise so much and I am so sad to be going. People may not believe this as Anthony didn’t but I loved this cruise more then our Disney one. Royal Caribbean we will see you again in April.