Today we left Darwin to head South towards Katherine. We decided to do a detour to Litchfield NAtional Park which is well know for their waterfalls and beautiful parks. We headed out on what would be a very big driving day.

Our first stop was to the Magnetic Termite Mounds. This area shows he 2 types of termite mounds found around the place. The first being the Cathedral termite mounds we saw these the whole day driving they can be super tall. The ones at the main tourist sight were so large the size of houses. The other type are the magnetic termite mounds which look like grade stones. The termites here do not eat houses they mostly live on floodplains and eat the grass. They do the job of keeping vegetation under wraps during the dry season.

After looking at the very impressive termite mounds we headed out to see the waterfalls. The first one we checked out was Tolmer Falls. Tolmer falls is huge the waterfall plungers 102m to the pool at the bottom. It was just a short walk out to the lookouts and was well worth it. SO pretty.

The second waterfall was Wangi Falls which is the main one in the area. This one was super impressive it was pumping due to the wet season. The normal swimming hole was fully flooded. The area all around here was really tropical as well. This waterfall also is large and falls 84m. I cannot tell you how much water was coming out of this waterfall though.

The last waterfall of the day was Florence Falls. This one was hugely popular with people swimming and I can see why. It was beautiful. We spent a few minutes admiring it before continuing on our way to Katherine.

After taking a random detour from the main road we ended up finding Zebra Mines. Which sold amazing pieces of zebra rock. The lady who owns the place was so nice and explained everything to us. They had the most amazing jewellery and rock.

The rest of the day was just a long drive down to Katherine. We checked into our hotel and had dinner.