Taiwan and Japan - Day 13

Goodbuy Money

Today was meant to be a quiet shopping day and we all used this opportunity to sleep in. We left the hotel at 10:30 and headed to Asakusa to go to the market and temple there. There were so many people it was scary. We paused exploring for some breakfast and then headed into the market. We decided to split up and meet at the end because a group of 12 in this crowd was going to be mental.

We explored the shops full of souvenirs and food and bought a few things. Our group had some warm Sake which was amazing. We also bought some octopus balls to try, however mine fell off the stick so I had to go without. When we got to the end we had these 3 gorgeous children interview us with their English cue cards. Asking us why we come to Japan where we were from etc.. They spoke so well and were gorgeous. They gave us a present they had made for helping them. The next thing we saw was the other group yelling to Lobada who we saw was trying to put money into the vending machine not realising a guy has the door open and was reloading it. It was very funny.

The rest of the day was spent shopping. We traveled to Sunshine City and stopped for lunch in GO GO curry which has a logo of a gorilla. It was very good. We them made our way to Pokemon Store which was chock full of merchandise. We bought the monthly picachus which are wearing traditional Japanese clothes and lots of other bits and pieces. Anthony played a kids game where it gives you Pokemon cards if you win, he even got a high five off a kid. $150 AUD later we left the shop to go to the Disney store.

Again much shopping was had and I got a few d23 limited edition items which are awesome. The damage here was $220 AUD. It was a quiet night after that with a quick dinner trip being all that happened. Nakano Broadway tomorrow and I am so excited.